Friday, July 19, 2013

Chapter 6: A Boy RAised by a Dog

Watch this clip and tell me what comes to mind.... some of you may recognize it from Sociology.

When we study psychology we study nature and nurture a lot!  It is a major theme and concept to understand in our development.  A big area of study will be cognition and language.  Are we born with language?  Do we know how to communicate?  If you put kids in isolation and never taught them your language would they develop their own?  What happens to kids who are raised with Animals?  How does it affect their behavior and mind set?  Discuss Chapter 6... What is most interesting to you?  What concepts did you learn that really stand out?  How does nature and nurture affect the little boy?  What interesting points does Dr. Perry present about our development?  Finish your blog entry with two questions.  When discussing to your peers attempt to answer their questions.  

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